
November 20, 2015

Shifting awareness from FORM to FORMLESS

Have you ever thought, “What is the difference between awakening, ascension and enlightenment”?  For many people, it seems like they are interchangeable terms when we speak about our spiritual journeys. But after some meditating on it, here is what felt right in my heart and the easiest way to explain it is to go backwards starting with enlightenment. Enlightenment is a state...
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Only God and only ever God

I want to share with you three wisdom teachings I was reminded of during my recent time with the Cosmic Christ. I pray these words and its light codes bring healing and Good into your life now. 1) Only God and only ever God This is a Cosmic fundamental Truth and the key to freedom. God is in all things; in all people, in all animals, God is in the ocean, the sky, the wind,...
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