
October 18, 2015

Metaphysical MAGIC in "Guardian of Auzeria"!

Would you like to read a beautifully written novel infused with metaphysical magic? Well, I found just the one and I know you will LOVE IT! It’s called Guardian of Auzeria by Jennifer Swenson. A few times while reading this book, I felt energy transmissions from it like one might while undergoing an energy healing session. This is no surprise since the Author felt the unfolding of this...
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October 9, 2015

You can MANIFEST and HEAL with your Mighty "I AM"

Hi there! Thanks for checking out my blog. You are a MIGHTY Soul.  .....How did it make you feel when I just addressed you as "Mighty"? Well, you are Mighty because you come from the energy of your Mighty I AM as well as the Mighty Creator of All. Not familiar with the I AM? Join my Facebook group to learn more about it and explore deep Divine mysteries of the Universe. I've...
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