Archangel Gabriel has been a champion for my ascension and my work on this planet. He actively started working with me or at least started making his presence known to me in mid to late 2014. When he is working with me or in my energy field, I feel a slight pressure in the middle of my chest that’s about 4 inches wide and feels like an expansion of energy funneling from the center outward.
Archangel Gabriel graced me with a message last week directing me to write about "automatic writing" specifically. He explained that I am able to have this communication with him in this manner with such efficiency and ease because I have done the work to remove the mental barriers to trust. He referred to my extensive work with automatic writing nine years ago. He said the automatic writing at that time was my practice to start to understand and know what it felt like to have no barriers in spirit communication. But during that time, it took a lot of EFFORT (at first) to create the EMPTY canvas in my mind so Spirit can write on it without my ego or any part of my human mind getting in the way with questions and doubt. Back then, nine years ago, I listened to a lot of Doreen Virtue and was a bit addicted to Hay House Radio and their archive. Doreen Virtue or one of the other hosts had mentioned automatic writing a few times and it intrigued me. So I tried it out for myself. They instructed me to just let go of my mind and write whatever comes up without thinking of what the full sentence may be. I am a computer person so I tried this at the keyboard for my Twitter account and started tweeting out Angelic messages daily, multiple times a day back in 2006. My number of twitter followers jumped from 100 to 2000 organically within 6 weeks of automatic writing! This was because they were drawn to hear these messages and these messages were meant for them. Here’s how I did it:
I would literally visualize a clean canvas in my mind. This visualization helped to keep my mind and my own personal thoughts at the edge of this canvas and my mind respected this boundary I had set. Then I waited. I waited for any and all words to appear on this clean canvas while my fingers were ready at the keyboard to type away. Then as they appeared, I would write down each word or words without any judgment. At times, I remember thinking (in the background) “hmmm…what could this be” but my thoughts did not go any further than curious observation so my ego was kept at bay. This allowed the spirit messages to continue to flow onto the empty canvas. It would just be a few words at a time and as soon as I typed them, more would appear and the old words would be gone. Now, when I say the words appeared and disappeared I don’t mean visually. The words were not written on the empty canvas and I did not see it with my mind’s eye, they were more like thoughts. But the visualization of the empty canvas was important for me to TRAIN my mind and ego to stay to the side.
This was also good practice for me to trust and DISCERN what was spirit communication and what was my own personal thought.
As I said before, the words that appeared to me were not in written form for my inner eye to see but rather thoughts that appeared in my mind which did not originate from my human mind. Who were they from, I did not know and did not ask then. I just assumed it was from my personal Angels since I prayed to them daily at that time in my life. (But when you do this work, you can certainly ask and they may very well tell you!) The craziest thing was that these thoughts from Spirit sounded and felt like my own thoughts. You know when you are thinking in your head, it’s like your voice talking to yourself, right? It sounds like YOU. So it was very interesting and necessary for me to have both the Spirit communication come through while my own mind was making active observation notes (without ego) on the sidelines. Most of the time it was curiosity and amazement; for example, while I was performing automatic writing (or channeling Spirit), I would be thinking okay, what is this going to be? or as the sentence/thought started to fully take form in the writing, I would say to myself wow, that’s good stuff!. LOL. So I started to discern my own personal thoughts that were taking place simultaneously as the spirit communication was flowing through my mind. In many cases, the spirit communication was not language or words that I might have used to say the same thing. That usually is a good indicator for me that it’s Spirit talking.
Discernment is very important for different reasons:
(1) You want to make sure you can tell apart the Spirit voice from your own voice/ego because the Spirit communication WILL most likely sound like YOUR OWN VOICE. Then learn to TRUST the Spirit voice in your head. No judgments. No doubts. And please do not think that you are crazy! This is where most people fall off the wagon. People who are new to psychic abilities have this notion that hearing Spirit in your head will sound different as if someone else is literally in your head. But this is not true for most people. For me, only deceased loved ones sound different from my voice...they sound they way I remember them when they were alive. But most ascended masters who speak to me sound like my own voice in my head which is why I have learned to always ask who is speaking.(2) You want to make sure it is a Spirit of high vibration speaking for the highest good of all. So a prayer of intent is necessary here. Before any attempt to communicate with Spirit, you should ask for communication to only come from high vibrational beings or be specific and ask for Jesus to talk to you. If any of the messages do NOT feel good or feel right to you then trust your gut instinct and disconnect from the communication session by simply saying "disconnect".
Now, try out the steps below for yourself and start channeling your higher self, Angels or other Spirit Guides on the fly! These are the same steps I took nine years ago which helped me flex my psychic muscles so that I can have easy effortless communication with Spirit today.
1) Take a few deep breaths and center yourself in the present moment.
2) Say a prayer of intention or just ask Spirit to write through you . When I was tweeting, I used to say Dear Angels, what should I write today? What is it that these beautiful souls on Twitter need to hear now? (Note: I intended to connect with my personal angels so that is what came through. Be clear with your intentions on connecting with high vibrational beings only)
3) Visualize a clean empty canvas in your mind. Or you can see something wiping the canvas clean if you cannot get to the empty canvas right away. Intend for the canvas to stay clear for Spirit communication to flow.
4) Then wait and be patient. Do not let your thoughts of impatience or doubt get in the way.
5) Whatever comes up for you, write it down on paper or keyboard (whatever you prefer) and just keep writing. It may not be full complete sentences in the beginning, or perhaps it will be for you.
6) Always observe and discern what is your thought and what is the communication from Spirit. Notice how Spirit communication can sound like your own voice. Practice discernment here so you can easily TRUST the Spirit communication.
This trust and the practice of flexing these psychic muscles are key to developing your ability to channel Spirit messages on the fly. Have fun practicing!
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Archangel Gabriel graced me with a message last week directing me to write about "automatic writing" specifically. He explained that I am able to have this communication with him in this manner with such efficiency and ease because I have done the work to remove the mental barriers to trust. He referred to my extensive work with automatic writing nine years ago. He said the automatic writing at that time was my practice to start to understand and know what it felt like to have no barriers in spirit communication. But during that time, it took a lot of EFFORT (at first) to create the EMPTY canvas in my mind so Spirit can write on it without my ego or any part of my human mind getting in the way with questions and doubt. Back then, nine years ago, I listened to a lot of Doreen Virtue and was a bit addicted to Hay House Radio and their archive. Doreen Virtue or one of the other hosts had mentioned automatic writing a few times and it intrigued me. So I tried it out for myself. They instructed me to just let go of my mind and write whatever comes up without thinking of what the full sentence may be. I am a computer person so I tried this at the keyboard for my Twitter account and started tweeting out Angelic messages daily, multiple times a day back in 2006. My number of twitter followers jumped from 100 to 2000 organically within 6 weeks of automatic writing! This was because they were drawn to hear these messages and these messages were meant for them. Here’s how I did it:
I would literally visualize a clean canvas in my mind. This visualization helped to keep my mind and my own personal thoughts at the edge of this canvas and my mind respected this boundary I had set. Then I waited. I waited for any and all words to appear on this clean canvas while my fingers were ready at the keyboard to type away. Then as they appeared, I would write down each word or words without any judgment. At times, I remember thinking (in the background) “hmmm…what could this be” but my thoughts did not go any further than curious observation so my ego was kept at bay. This allowed the spirit messages to continue to flow onto the empty canvas. It would just be a few words at a time and as soon as I typed them, more would appear and the old words would be gone. Now, when I say the words appeared and disappeared I don’t mean visually. The words were not written on the empty canvas and I did not see it with my mind’s eye, they were more like thoughts. But the visualization of the empty canvas was important for me to TRAIN my mind and ego to stay to the side.
This was also good practice for me to trust and DISCERN what was spirit communication and what was my own personal thought.
As I said before, the words that appeared to me were not in written form for my inner eye to see but rather thoughts that appeared in my mind which did not originate from my human mind. Who were they from, I did not know and did not ask then. I just assumed it was from my personal Angels since I prayed to them daily at that time in my life. (But when you do this work, you can certainly ask and they may very well tell you!) The craziest thing was that these thoughts from Spirit sounded and felt like my own thoughts. You know when you are thinking in your head, it’s like your voice talking to yourself, right? It sounds like YOU. So it was very interesting and necessary for me to have both the Spirit communication come through while my own mind was making active observation notes (without ego) on the sidelines. Most of the time it was curiosity and amazement; for example, while I was performing automatic writing (or channeling Spirit), I would be thinking okay, what is this going to be? or as the sentence/thought started to fully take form in the writing, I would say to myself wow, that’s good stuff!. LOL. So I started to discern my own personal thoughts that were taking place simultaneously as the spirit communication was flowing through my mind. In many cases, the spirit communication was not language or words that I might have used to say the same thing. That usually is a good indicator for me that it’s Spirit talking.
Discernment is very important for different reasons:
(1) You want to make sure you can tell apart the Spirit voice from your own voice/ego because the Spirit communication WILL most likely sound like YOUR OWN VOICE. Then learn to TRUST the Spirit voice in your head. No judgments. No doubts. And please do not think that you are crazy! This is where most people fall off the wagon. People who are new to psychic abilities have this notion that hearing Spirit in your head will sound different as if someone else is literally in your head. But this is not true for most people. For me, only deceased loved ones sound different from my voice...they sound they way I remember them when they were alive. But most ascended masters who speak to me sound like my own voice in my head which is why I have learned to always ask who is speaking.(2) You want to make sure it is a Spirit of high vibration speaking for the highest good of all. So a prayer of intent is necessary here. Before any attempt to communicate with Spirit, you should ask for communication to only come from high vibrational beings or be specific and ask for Jesus to talk to you. If any of the messages do NOT feel good or feel right to you then trust your gut instinct and disconnect from the communication session by simply saying "disconnect".
Now, try out the steps below for yourself and start channeling your higher self, Angels or other Spirit Guides on the fly! These are the same steps I took nine years ago which helped me flex my psychic muscles so that I can have easy effortless communication with Spirit today.
1) Take a few deep breaths and center yourself in the present moment.
2) Say a prayer of intention or just ask Spirit to write through you . When I was tweeting, I used to say Dear Angels, what should I write today? What is it that these beautiful souls on Twitter need to hear now? (Note: I intended to connect with my personal angels so that is what came through. Be clear with your intentions on connecting with high vibrational beings only)
3) Visualize a clean empty canvas in your mind. Or you can see something wiping the canvas clean if you cannot get to the empty canvas right away. Intend for the canvas to stay clear for Spirit communication to flow.
4) Then wait and be patient. Do not let your thoughts of impatience or doubt get in the way.
5) Whatever comes up for you, write it down on paper or keyboard (whatever you prefer) and just keep writing. It may not be full complete sentences in the beginning, or perhaps it will be for you.
6) Always observe and discern what is your thought and what is the communication from Spirit. Notice how Spirit communication can sound like your own voice. Practice discernment here so you can easily TRUST the Spirit communication.
This trust and the practice of flexing these psychic muscles are key to developing your ability to channel Spirit messages on the fly. Have fun practicing!
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