
November 20, 2015

Shifting awareness from FORM to FORMLESS

Have you ever thought, “What is the difference between awakening, ascension and enlightenment”?  For many people, it seems like they are interchangeable terms when we speak about our spiritual journeys. But after some meditating on it, here is what felt right in my heart and the easiest way to explain it is to go backwards starting with enlightenment. Enlightenment is a state...
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Only God and only ever God

I want to share with you three wisdom teachings I was reminded of during my recent time with the Cosmic Christ. I pray these words and its light codes bring healing and Good into your life now. 1) Only God and only ever God This is a Cosmic fundamental Truth and the key to freedom. God is in all things; in all people, in all animals, God is in the ocean, the sky, the wind,...
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October 18, 2015

Metaphysical MAGIC in "Guardian of Auzeria"!

Would you like to read a beautifully written novel infused with metaphysical magic? Well, I found just the one and I know you will LOVE IT! It’s called Guardian of Auzeria by Jennifer Swenson. A few times while reading this book, I felt energy transmissions from it like one might while undergoing an energy healing session. This is no surprise since the Author felt the unfolding of this...
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October 9, 2015

You can MANIFEST and HEAL with your Mighty "I AM"

Hi there! Thanks for checking out my blog. You are a MIGHTY Soul.  .....How did it make you feel when I just addressed you as "Mighty"? Well, you are Mighty because you come from the energy of your Mighty I AM as well as the Mighty Creator of All. Not familiar with the I AM? Join my Facebook group to learn more about it and explore deep Divine mysteries of the Universe. I've...
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September 24, 2015

Healing Hazelwood

Clearly, by now, you know I am all about natural healing methods and love sharing them with you!.  I met Hannah Cairns through a professional circle and I was really intrigued by her claim that her Hazelwood necklaces healed skin conditions such as eczema and can possibly help soothe a teething baby. Since I was so drawn to it and wanted to explore it some more, I asked her if...
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August 26, 2015

What 5 Crystals Should You Have In Your Beginner's Kit

Today, I wanted to put up a post about Crystals. I am a hard-core believer in Crystal healing and have a number of crystals all over my house. If you follow me on Facebook, you know over the months, I have posted a good number of Crystal pictures and spoke about my favorite ones at home. But I am no expert in Crystals,...not like this guest blogger today. Her name is Hibiscus Moon from Hibiscus Moon...
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August 8, 2015

LIVE Guided Heartlink Meditation (Periscope)

Here is the replay of the Heartlink meditation I taught on Periscope this past Saturday for #GlobalMeditationScope Day.It's a special meditation that allows you to connect your heart with the heart of your Angels. One of the viewers on periscope typed in the chat that she was able to connect with her deceased father during this Live meditation.  I will be offering meditations, gratitude checks, healing conversations and more regularly on Periscope. Won't you join me there, follow...
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July 27, 2015

“That really left a mark on me!”

When you think back on a hard experience in your life, like heartbreak, a sudden death of a loved one or other traumatic experience, do you say to yourself..."boy, that really left a mark on me"? Well, you are intuitively correct!  The mark that was left by your difficult experience is an emotional imprint in your cellular memory. You also intuitively know that over time, this "mark"...
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July 17, 2015

How to use an Etheric Weaver (A Shambhala Healing Tool)

Who’s ready for Shambhala Healing? I was introduced to this beautiful healing tool called the Etheric Weaver about 4 years ago. It’s an amazing tool for use as a pendulum and healing tool. It comes with the blessed energies from Buddha Maitreya the Christ and is made of quartz crystal. A big plus to this crystal is that you never have to CLEAR it like you would all other crystals. This is because of the way the Etheric Wearver is constructed with the metals, magnets and the blessed...
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July 2, 2015

The 'Hear' in Heart

Today, I am offering a beautiful guest blog post from Andrea Rae, founder of Alinga Sky. This post on, what she calls, heart writing is crucial for not only self-awareness and emotional healing but clearing the throat chakra as well. The benefits of such a process can be profound offering much healing, freedom and peace. I hope you enjoy reading it and if you are called to do so, contact Andrea for...
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June 3, 2015

Tips to care for your energetic body

The truth is there's more of You out there (outside of your body) than there is inside the physical body. I'm referring to your energy field, sometimes called the aura. Your energy field is a major part of who you are because your life experiences get imprinted into its subtle layers. Negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions are held in your mental and emotional layers...
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May 18, 2015

Fear of success or failure?

Did you ever follow your dream only to come to a dead halt midway and didn't quite understand why?Or do you self-sabotage your dreams before you even start to take action on them?Perhaps you are just not a “good finisher” of projects.If any of this sounds like you, you may have a fear of success or a fear of failure. Let’s consider each one.The fear of failure is the simplest one to understand...
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April 3, 2015

Joy Infusing Quick Guide [2 STEPS]

It’s more than happiness. Joy is the energy of love that lifts your vibration to embrace God. All the things around your home, office or other living space that bring you DEEP JOY activate the remembrance of joy as your true nature and ignites your soul. When you repeatedly see these joy activators throughout the day, your vibration is lifted and sustained in the energy of joy. That is...
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