
December 14, 2014

What are your KEY QUESTIONS about raising your vibration?

Recently, more and more folks have been letting me know that they are interested in learning more about how to raise their vibration….and I LOVE IT because this topic is what I am ridiculously passionate about and I would love to see you make big shifts in your own vibration towards a happier You and, ultimately, towards God consciousness. I have enjoyed so much healing, peace, clarity and FUN raising my vibes, especially SO in 2014! This work has allowed me to effectively and efficiently...
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December 11, 2014

My time with the Cosmic Christ

This week has been tremendously deeply emotional in an uplifting and expanding way.  I went to a group gathering offered by Christine Kennedy who is a conscious channel for the Cosmic Christ. A conscious channel is unlike a trance channel where she is fully aware and awake while the Cosmic Christ speaks through her. She also has the wonderful gift of light song which heals. I attended the group...
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December 9, 2014

How to Make Crystal Water

Hey Truth Seekers,  This post is a quick 5 minute video showing you how I make Crystal water (sometimes called Gem water).  Crystal water is basically putting a Crystal stone into the water so that it changes the matrix, or crystalline structure, of the water and allows it to carry the essence of that stone's vibration. This is a different way to bring Crystal healing energy into your body as well as to simply raise your own...
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December 4, 2014

4 Steps to Healing at the Speed of God

The hidden power of “OM"   I am pretty sure all of you have heard of sound healing at this point. But do you understand how sound can be healing? And what happens when we incorporate conscious intent or prayer during sound healing? Well,… I'm going to tell you from first-hand experiences how sound healing coupled with prayer can create major shifts in your energy field instantaneously!...
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November 28, 2014

6 STEPS to access FREEDOM when you feel restricted

Have you ever felt restricted, overcrowded with limitations in your life or do you feel locked-in to a particular situation? Even if you enjoy your life overall, you could still feel stifled in some areas of your life as in the case of new mothers feeling some overwhelm. No matter what type of situation or transition you are in or exactly how restricted, suppressed, stifled or locked-in you feel,...
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November 25, 2014

Experience God Directly with the Unity Breath

I was first introduced to the Unity Breath meditation by my Reiki Master four years ago. Using the Unity Breath during this early time, allowed my relationship with Mother Earth to deepen. Since that first introduction, I have read about the Unity Breath in Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda and have been taught the meditation again by Drunvalo Melchizedek through his...
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November 24, 2014

Video on how to smudge Crystals

Here's my prayer and process to clear away negative energies that my crystals may have absorbed. Crystals are very sensitive and will absorb negative energies from the space around it. If used for healing clients, you will absolutely want to clear the crystals after one client before using it on another client. If you do not use it for healing others, you will want to periodically clear the crystals because even angry voices in the room will leave behind low vibration energies that the...
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November 14, 2014

The Ascended Mindset for Peace and Ease

Here’s a question I get asked a lot from students inquiring about my classes: “There’s so many energy healing modalities out there these days. I can’t decide which one to take. Is one better than another? What’s the difference?”  My answer to this and most questions, really, is to go wherever your heart guides you to go. All the different energy healing modalities are wonderful with each...
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November 12, 2014

Who's on your Team of Spirit Helpers

You may have read in my bio that I have a team of Spirit helpers that I work with daily.  Some of my Guides include my deceased Shaman Grandfather, the Beloved Quan Yin, a single floating eye named “Irena”, and my power animal Dragon.  Ascended Master, St. Germaine has recently started working with me this year as I have fully aligned with my life purpose. So those are my Guides. But...
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My "Backstage Spirit" story

Spirit is always working hard behind the scenes to guide us and keep us safe. At times, they will get really creative to get our attention! Here's a great story I wanted to share. It was during my first pregnancy. One test showed our son had a high risk for down syndrome. I knew the test result was skewed by my anger towards my husband that I  could not shake at the time of...
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