
July 28, 2009

Time after time

A meditation teacher once told me that "life is simply a string of moments". There was a moment of clarity when I heard these words. Certainly makes life more manageable, doesn't it? ...and with each new moment we are given a choice to make. The two choices are always positive road or the negative road.At each turn, at each moment, you always have a choice! You can choose wisely when you realize the impact of going down each of the two roads. When you walk down the negative road, there...
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July 14, 2009

Springing through life

I realize how amazing this life is as I start to connect the dots...Each devastating fall to the bottom in my life is what has catapulted me to be who I am today. It is as if each fall (heartache from various life situations) was a compressed coil spring. The load and pressure from the compression or fall may feel like it is too much to bear at the time but eventually the spring releases and the energy provided from the release allows us growth lessons and propels us higher spiritually.Without...
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April 19, 2009

Mindful of our Intentions

This past week, I was given an exercise as homework by my meditation instructor. The theme for the class is intention and the assignment was to be aware of our every intention every moment of the day (mindfulness). In other words, I had to constantly ask these two questions: What is it that I want? What is it that I want to stop?I performed this exercise on the train ride home and it gave me a headache after 1 minute because the list, I realized, was infinite. The conversation in my head...
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March 10, 2009

A Crossing

...and life continues to open up for me...I was born into a devout buddhist family in Rangoon, Burma. Buddha was my first teacher. Before I could speak, my parents taught me how to bow three times and show respect to the Buddha. Throughout my youth and teenage years, I remained a faithful follower to Buddha's wisdom and dhamma. Since the passing of a boyfriend three years ago, I have since opened up my spiritual outlook to what many now call "New Age" spirituality. This became a platform...
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February 24, 2009

One Humanity, One God, One Life Experience

Sharing my journey into myself and my journey to embrace only love over the past four months has been a nerve racking experience at times. Two postings in particular had my heart beating in my throat as I cut and paste the link onto facebook to share the blog with my network of friends. But I push aside my ego -- afraid of looking bad or weak -- and I post my blog anyway in hopes of (1) a breakthrough for myself as I push through the uncomfortableness of un-peeling my layers of issues...
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February 23, 2009

Honesty as a step towards freedom

I finally see me for me.Recently, I've come to realize that my jealousy and abandonment issues are rooted in insecurity. Many of you might think "duh -"....after all, logically and objectively, it makes perfect sense. But I had turned a blind eye to it when it came to me. For so many years, I blamed others for activating my jealousy and abandonment issues. I would expect others to be sensitive to my past and recurring emotional hurdles. The finger was always pointed outward and I never...
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February 18, 2009

Take charge of your life: Put your fears in the backseat

Has it become a challenge for you to stay happy?During the times that I am unhappy, I find it is because I am thinking too far ahead into the future which causes me to worry or feel anxious. This mental state focuses on the things or situations that I lack today. Living in the future amplifies the scarcity in my life which, of course, makes me sad. I want something other than what I have right now.In some other cases, I find that I am unhappy or even miserable when I base my decisions...
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January 20, 2009

Choosing a life you love and live it powerfully

This morning there was a situation that occurred where I had 3 emotions successively within a span of 1 minute! Yes, in a short minute, I felt panic first and then hurt which moved me right into anger. These particular reactionary emotions came up immediately because that is how I’ve felt in the past when similar situations were experienced. I mistakenly believed that this morning was a repeat of the past. After taking a breath and a step back away from my reactionary emotions, I consciously...
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January 16, 2009

The Payoff and Cost of the Ego

I've been wanting to write about my experiences with my ego but it's taken me a long while because I was afraid it would make me look bad/wrong -- which is complete protection of the ego. Obviously I am not perfect, only human. As I share thoughts on embracing only love, I myself have a hard time every now and again in practicing it.Reading Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth" has helped me to identify the less distinguishable traits of my own ego. I have come to see how a lot of my day...
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